Victoria Park

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Victoria Park is one of Charlottetown’s most beautiful and popular parks where visitors can enjoy woodland walking trails, tennis courts, horseshoe pitch, playground, splash pad, swimming pool and Open green spaces.
Victoria Park, approximately 40 acres in area, is located between Brighton Road and the Park Roadway. The tree stands are a mixture of original and cultivated stock. Species such as Austrian pine, red maple, sugar maple, balsam fir, white spruce, white oak, red oak, beech, yellow birch, white birch and linden can be found throughout the park. A boardwalk extends the full length of the park along the waterfront.
Several open spaces allow you to enjoy the activities of your choice. The use of the Boardwalk is for the pleasure of the residents and visitors of the City of Charlottetown. In Victoria park Biking and Roller Blading not allowed.
Tennis Courts are available to the public for recreational use on a daily basis. Victoria Park is operated by the Charlottetown Recreation Department.